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Andrej Mlinšek : Metaphysics and conciousness

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Metaphysics and conciousness Andrej Mlinšek

It was always known that a »SECRET« exists, which helps people to raise themselves above the average and to live a successful and happy life. The author has studied this »secret« in his books and this book is no different – it will try to introduce the »secret«, which represents nothing other than different habits, different ways of thinking and viewing of the world we live in.

Lastnost Vrednost
Založba Adriatikus
Prevod Manuela Mlakar
Leto izdaje 2017
Strani 36
Jezik slovenski
Tip datoteke epub
ISBN 9789619424773

Izvodov na voljo:

  • Prost
  • Prost
  • Prost
  • Zaseden

    Še 3 dni 35 min in 6 sekund

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Andrej Mlinšek: Metaphysics and conciousness
Andrej Mlinšek: Metaphysics and conciousness
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The author wrote the book METAPHYSICS and CONSCIOUSNESS after 30 years of studying successful people and reading thousands of books about successful life from authors all over the world. As indicated in his first book KEY COMBINATION, he has studied successful people, their biographies and their lives since he was 18 years old.

It was always known that a »SECRET« exists, which helps people to raise themselves above the average and to live a successful and happy life. The author has studied this »secret« in his books and this book is no different – it will try to introduce the »secret«, which represents nothing other than different habits, different ways of thinking and viewing of the world we live in.

All things occur TWICE; firstly in the invisible world and then in the visible one.

It depends on us whether we can take advantage of changes in life. We should consider every end as a new beginning and a new opportunity.

The book Metaphysics and consciousness deals with causes, not with consequences. Nowadays 95% of people deal with consequences, not with causes.

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