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Gregor Strniša : Space

Podrobnosti knjige

Poezija in dramatika

Space Gregor Strniša

Pesniška zbirka Vesolje (Gregor Strniša) v angleščini.

Lastnost Vrednost
Založba Društvo slovenskih pisateljev
Zbirka Litterae Slovenicae
Prevod Nada Grošelj, Jason Blake
Spremna beseda Matej Krajnc
Ilustracije Martin Ramoveš
Leto izdaje 2024
Strani 164
Jezik angleški
Tip datoteke epub
ISBN 9789617217117

Izvodov na voljo:

  • Prost
  • Prost
  • Prost
  • Zaseden

    Še 3 dni 35 min in 6 sekund

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Gregor Strniša: Space
Gregor Strniša: Space
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Dolg opis

Space is probably Gregor Strniša’s most elaborate concept,
which he himself speaks about at the beginning of his
essay; that it is not a chronological anthological review
and summary of his poetry, but rather a newly compiled thematic
selection in terms of principle and the principles of the topic
itself. Knowing Strniša’s poetry and frame of mind, it is not
just about the poetic work, but about the poet’s comprehensive
philosophy and attitude towards the world/poem/space. The
book is divided into three sections, and at the beginning there
is The Lullaby, translated by the poet himself, which would
probably belong more at the end of the book, if the poems were
arranged by more “classical” principles; but precisely in this lies
the charm of the current classification—that Strniša focuses
on the essence of his poetic world, his fable, spells and also his
formal poetic system, which is based on assonances and adds
mysticism/cosmic dimensions to his poems.

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